WHAT WITH A VERY BUSY NEWS WEEK, victim-extraodinaire Donald Trump has been displaced by Joe and Kamala. Poor him.
To counter this Trumpian ennui, today’s SimanaitisSays recounts several past Trump performances, each in marked contrast to the true statesmanship exhibited by President Biden in his address to the American people, The Guardian, July 24, 2024.

A Spectrum of News Coverage. By the way, in typical fashion Fox News makes sure it supplements its generally straightforward coverage of the speech with a nerdy doctors’ report of Biden’s occasionally stiff presentation.

Geez, remember the reason Biden has chosen not to run.
And USA Today’s Ingrid Jacques offers a scathing op-ed asking, “Is this what preserving democracy looks like?”
Yes, Ingrid. It is.

It is decidedly unlike Trump’s return to his vituperous hoodlum behavior after the first 30 minutes of his Republican National Convention performance, as described by PBS News.

Image by Doug Mills/The New York Times.
Poor Donald. Well, in any case, Maggie Haberman and Jonathan Swan report in The New York Times, July 25, 2024, “Trump and His Allies Adapt to a New Role: Fighting for Attention.” Haberman and Swan write, “It’s an unfamiliar experience for Mr. Trump, who has monopolized America’s televisions, newspapers and smartphones for more than 12 months through indictments, primary victories, 34 felony convictions, an assassination attempt and a Republican National Convention at which he was celebrated as a quasi-religious figure.”

They continue, “In the three days since President Biden announced he was quitting the 2024 race, Mr. Trump has entered foreign territory. He has been largely crowded out from ‘earned media,’ or organic news coverage that spreads rapidly among voters and costs campaigns nothing to produce.”
I’d say “earned media” = true news.
Democratic strategist Guy Cecil is quoted, “It’s so rare for Trump not to dominate the news cycle and they have blown it over the last few days.”
A SimanaitisSays Response. I confess that my little website has not even miniscule influence on the news cycle, but I’m here to help. Here are several references.
Trump Versus the Wizard of Oz. “A Mocking Apology” here at SimanaitisSays offered my apology to the Wizard vis-a-vis Trump.

“The little man behind the curtain.”
See also Sen. Kamala Harris on YouTube back in 2020. And do watch it to its conclusion. Go, Kamala!
On Mental Lapses. Biden has now owned up to implications of his age. Trump is but three years younger, and more than occasionally has traveled off the rational track. One of my favorites was his covfefeing two African nations, Namibia and Zambia, as noted “On the Kingdom of Namby-Pamby.” Even when he’s compos mentis, he’s embarrassingly sans statesmanship. To wit, all of Trump’s elementary-school name-calling.
Farewell, Mr. Trump. One of my favorite images displays Trump’s humility, a rarely exhibited trait.

Image from BBC via YouTube. My own elementary-schoolish side finds it funny.
There. In my modest way, I hope I have helped to salve Trump’s craving for national attention. ds
© Dennis Simanaitis, SimanaitisSays.com, 2024